1927 Mary Jo Becker (Weatherby)* and William R. Stuckert*: Court of Roses
1928 Mary Louise Stone (Rankin)* and Frank Wood, III*: Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella
1929 Nancy Green (Scheffler)* and Paul J. Lemm, Jr.*: Court of Violets
1930 Milly Ann England (Schaer)* and Clint Giddings Anderson*: Story Book Court
1931 Ruby Schroeder (Stevenson)* and Eugene Whiddon*: Toyland on Parade
1932 Alma Wood Ferguson* and Ernest Reichardt, Jr.*: As Told in a Garden or Fete of Flowers
1933 Marian Wiese (McCord)* and Hoffmann Reese, Jr.*: Court of Sunflowers
1934 Elizabeth Hacker (Hunt)* and Robert Pennington*: Court of Feathery Kingdom
1935 Ann Hohlt (Ramsey)* Queen of the Court of the Months and Thomas H. Giddings* King of the Zodiac: Flowery Kingdom of the Months
1936 Janice Holleman (Hensen)* Queen of the Bluebonnets and Robert L. Schoenvogel* King of Texas Wildflowers: Court of the Bluebonnets
1937 Betty Sloan (Hay)* and William Schell*: Court of the Rainbow
1938 Mary Pat Amsler (Hansen)* and Arthur Earl Mgebroff*: Blossom Time Court
1939 Frances Ann Navratil (Bredthauer) and Arthur Al Geick: Fairyland Court
1940 Patsy Jean Koon (Sprayberry) and Sims Allen Buckley: Mother Goose Land
1941 Hester Lockett (Gregory-Kirkham) and Allan Hunter Hohlt: Court of Candyland
1942-1947 No Royalty: World War II
1948 Laura Cherry Stinnett (Purcell) and Reese B. Lockett, Jr.: Dreamland Court
1949 Suzann Seidel (Jones) and R. William Spinn*: Court of the Garden of Flowers
1950 Carol Linda Phillips (Vogt) and Fred S. Murchison*: Storybook Land
1951 Ann Stinnett (Farrell) and James Beard, Jr.: Toyland
1952 Judy Irene Thielemann (Woolley) and Norman Winkelmann: Rainbow Rhapsody
1953 Kathyrine Reese Jones (Simank) and Charles Simank*: Sweet Land of Liberty
1954 Sally Stuckert (Van Dyke) and Teddy Low: The Garden of Tulips
1955 Carol Lynn Voelkel* and Bryan Greenwade*: Court of Love Land
1956 Gene Beazley (Katsberg) and Hub Ewen Baker, Jr: Court of Sunshine
1957 Ann Lea Winkelmann (Russell) and Leslie Lee Doleschal: Court of Holidays
1958 Joan Hasskarl (Smith) and H. E. Pflughaupt*: Court of Little Land
1959 Marjorie Ann Routt (Young) and Richard Hal Moorman, IV: A Garden of Happiness
1960 Cassandra Utesch (Ehlert) and William J. Ehlert, Jr.: The Land of Make Believe
1961 Sue Tomachefsky (Raup) and Skipper Schroeder: Court of Childhood Measures
1962 Jo Lynn Picone (Smith) and Gary Sonnenburg: Court of Dreamland
1963 Julie Giddings (Pieper) and Matthew Austin Routt*: Court of Happy Hours
1964 Cornelia Margaret Wilder and Randal Clayton Reed*: Texas Jubilee
1965 Karen Utesch (Boardman) and Paul Ashley Ehlert: Court of Maifest Memories
1966 Sharon Lynn Knight (Mitchell) and John Frederick Hasskarl: The Land of Let’s Pretend
1967 Ann Lea Schwartz (Bishop) and James Victor Southern and Barbara Denise Smith (Jarquhar), and Thomas Charles Southern: The Court of Constellations
1968 LeFayne Hodde and Thomas Mabry Schlenker: Court of Playtime Pleasures
1969 Jennifer Hall (Eckermann) and Matthew William Spinn: Court of Never Never Land
1970 Adelia Boehm (Brannen) and Mark Whitehead and Kathryn Boehm (Fannin) and Michael Hahn*: Court of Homeland Memories
1971 Kay Lyn Schwartz (Murphy) and Craig Allen Ahrens: With a Song in My Heart
1972 Mary Kathleen Garnett (Kolkhorst) and Duke David Stark*: Court of Living Literature
1973 Jane Elizabeth (Betsy) Barnhill (Newman) and Adam Fletcher Young: Merry Maytime
1974 Julie Anne Hrachovy and Matthew Claude Garnett: This Land is Our Land
1975 Jennifer Moser (Poston) and Kyle Alden Picone: The Wonderful World of the Young
1976 Jennifer Leigh Barkman and Stacey Lynn Schulte (Walters), and John David Lueckemeyer* and Neal Andrew Hahn: Happy Birthday America
1977 Rachel Kelley Tate (Cangelosi) and Dan Lamar Vernon: Around the World in Music
1978 Heather Van Dyke (Thielemann) and Phillip Alan Winkelmann: Garden of Tulips
1979 Anne Marie Prigge (Hooks)* and Christopher John Steinbach: Court of Magical Parades
1980 Valeri Ann Dietz (Klein) and Ted Cook Barnhill: Court of Happy Heroes
1981 Mary Allison Moser (Peck) and Kevin Alcee’ Picone: A Dreamer’s Holiday
1982 Gretchen Johanna Steinbach (Clepper) and Justin Brad Tomachefsky: Court of Friends and Neighbors
1983 Margaret Katherine Dippel (Voelter) and Chad Anthony Haydon: Court of a Small World
1984 Ashley Allison Draehn (Gumbert) and Charles Braden Schubert: The Land of Our Favorite Things
1985 Jill Elaine Jones (Moore) and Jason Paul Williams: Court of Magical Wonderland
1986 Carrie Anne Appelt (Richardson) and Tiemann Henry Dippel, III: Texas Our Texas
1987 Rachel Ann Boettcher (Hughes) and Rhett Derek Draehn: Time Odyssey
1988 Sarah Melissa Bullock (McIntryre) and Bryce Cullen Pflughaupt: A Springtime Symphony
1989 Jennifer Louise Simms (Hinnant) and Christopher Yeats Collie: An Adventure in Dreamland
1990 Candice Leigh Appel (Kemper) and Corby Wade Alfred: A Carousel of Memories
1991 Sally Elizabeth Schoenvogel (Bradley) and David Allen Box: Once Upon a Time in the Enchanted Kingdom
1992 Caroline Elizabeth Appel (Long) and Gregory Paul Simms: Court of Seasonal Splendor
1993 Sunni Lynn Sonnenburg (Winkler) and Kurt Andrew Alfred: Journeys in Sunny Days and Starry Nights
1994 Catharyne Sue (Cayte) Betts (Neil) and Trey Schoenvogel: A Celebration of Imagination
1995 Cathleen Cook (Redus) and Derrick Andrew Box: A Circus Spectacular
1996 Anna Sue Ehlert (Molyneux) and Adam Borchardt O’Malley: An Adventure Down the Yellow Brick Road
1997 Johanna Leigh Holtkamp (Becker) and Shane Andrew Sonnenburg: Cinema Sensations
1998 Haley Anne Urquhart (Green) and Chip Ehlert: Adventures in Wonderland
1999 Julianna Christine Stark (Wanek) and Paul F. (Rocky) LaRoche: Celebrating the Century
2000 Madalyn Elaine Guelker and William Harvey (Will) Betts, III: Imagine the Possibilities
2001 Jenalee Larkin Alexander and Thomas Cook Newman: Daring Daydreamers
2002 Hailee Jane Mertz (Lancon) and Wesley Steve Westbrook: Court of Games and Giggles
2003 Erin Katherine O’Malley and Jared Brad Tomachefsky: Festive Fantasies
2004 Mary Kate Walters (Sain) and Robert Stark, Jr: Magical Maifest Memories
2005 Cecilia Elizabeth (Bess) Newman and Garrett Michael Altman: Toontown Fest
2006 Claire Marie Reue (Breitschopf) and Caleb Scot Mertz: Court of Jubilant Journeys
2007 Miriam Kelley Cangelosi and Dillon Kyle Thielemann: Court of www.Maifest2007.fun
2008 Lois Kate Kolkhorst and George Walter Barnhill Newman: The Toy Store
2009 Sally Caroline Cangelosi and Jackson Palmer Bartay and Rachel Ann (Annie) Cangelosi, and Winston Charles Walters: Court of Candyland
2010 Addison Rhea (Addie) Thielemann and William Hunter Tomachefsky: Hooray for Parades!
2011 Savannah Lea Bartay and Britt Michael Rogas: Magnificent Movie Memories
2012 Katherine Nancy (Kate) Roberts and Jacob (Jake) Robert Kolkhorst: A Make Believe Adventure
2013 Hannah Claire Mertz* and Travis Vernon Bartay: Under the Big Top
2014 Piper McCall Puckett and Jackson Edward Van Dyke: Maifest Mystery Madness
2015 Emma Kate McIntryre Kennedy & Grant Edward Rogas and Elizabeth Tilley & Benjamin Brooks Rogas: Maifest Express: Season Ticket to Fun
2016 Ellie Brooks Van Dyke and Austin David Cone: TV Land
2017 Victoria Taylor Dippel and Samuel Clay Clepper: A Ticket to Ride
2018 Swayzee Grace Huckert and Charles Atwood Kenjura: The Great Outdoors
2019 Isabelle Hyatt and Jack William Rogas: Once Upon a Storytime
2020 Harper Joy Huckert and Tiemann “Ty” Henry Dippel, IV: Game Night
2021 Dinah Grace Sue Neil and John Paul Kenjura: It’s a Small World
2022 Talyn Presley Sulik and Evan Ross Dippel: Lights, Camera, Action! Maifest 2022
2023 Virginia Kate Priesmeyer and Luke Robert Hyatt: The Enchanted Tree House
2024 Caroline Adele Kenjura and Tyler Henry Hopkins: Up, Up, & Away: Across the USA